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Organometallic Chemistry - from Magnesium to Palladium, Nice, France

Du 08/11/2018 au 09/11/2018
En bref :
This course will cover stoichiometric organometallics such as Grignard reagents and catalytic organometallics based mainly on palladium and other platinum group metals. The first day will concentrate on Grignard reagents and organolithiums and organozincs including preparation and uses and safety aspects of these reagents. Catalytic C-C and C-X bond forming reactions will be covered on day 2, concentrating on palladium catalysis, but with discussion of systems using other metals such as copper, nickel, ruthenium, rhodium and iridium. Throughout the course the emphasis will be on practical methods of carrying out synthetically useful reactions. Many case studies and industrial examples will be included to illustrate the utility of both catalytic and stoichiometric organometallic reactions.