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Evénements de l'année complète
Evénements pour l'ANNEE 2019 dans le département « Alpes-de-Haute-Provence » :
7 résultat(s)
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Publié par : evvntBUZZ
Date de début : 27/03/2019
Date de fin : 28/03/2019
Descriptif :
In the era of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR), European companies are faced with a number of exciting opportunities - but also significant IP challenges. At a time when old methods of managing IP are becoming redundant, IPBC Europe 2019 will explore how IP executives inside the continent's businesses can devise and build sustainable value creation programmes in a rapidly changing world. At IAM's IPBC Europe 2019 - taking place in Paris on 27 and 28 March - these issues and more will receive detailed consideration. Designed by and for European IP owners, the programme for IPBC Europe 2019 will explore how IP managers inside the continent's businesses can devise and build sustainable value creation programmes in the rapidly changing world.

Price: Standard Ticket: EUR 950.0

Time: 7:30 am - 2:30 pm

Publié par : evvntBUZZ
Date de début : 29/03/2019
Date de fin : 31/03/2019
Descriptif :
On March 29, 30 and 31, 2019 HRA Pharma will host their first hackathon in Paris, Hack'tion For Contraception. The challenge: 48h to improve women's contraception journey. The goal ? Support women in their entire contraception journey: from getting informed, to choosing the right fit for them, to find ways of being observant once they are under contraception... Developers, designers, startups and pharma students will co-create new solutions (mobile apps, wearables, serious games...) not only for women, but also for men and healthcare professionals. They will brainstorm ideas and form teams during a 2-week online ideation phase right before the hackathon.
6:30 pm to
Publié par : evvntBUZZ
Date de début : 04/04/2019
Descriptif :
Artificial Intelligence has been present in our society for decades, but can now be considered as "coming of age". The increasing application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in many Industries is in part due to the progress made in AI technologies, the availability of highly powerful computing resources, as well as the existence of the massive amounts of Big Data that are needed to facilitate algorithmic learning. The ETSI summit on AI will seek to separate the hype from the science and provide better understanding of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, as well as describing where AI is currently deployed using practical examples. AI is becoming an integral part of our networks and services, and is present across multiple domains such as finance, manufacturing, medical, telecommunications and transportation to name just a few. The summit will examine how AI will be used in telecommunications, particularly in network and service management for virtualized networks. One domain where AI will be particularly transformational is in the manufacturing industry, bringing improvements in productivity and quality through the applied use of robotics and analytics. This will be examined in a dedicated session during the event. Particularly relevant to the work in standards, is the question of how AI can also be used to help us to standardize in different ways, better and faster. What are the opportunities and threats for standards makers and standards users? This summit is of particular interest to: leaders from the Manufacturing Industry; decision-makers in AI strategy and adoption; professionals, experts and researchers involved in AI developments and deployments; National Security Organizations dealing with security AI elements; European Commission and regulatory organizations; ETSI, oneM2M and 3GPP members who are working with AI; Standards Developing Organizations and Fora representatives who are active in the field of AI.
Publié par : evvntBUZZ
Date de début : 18/05/2019
Date de fin : 21/05/2019
Descriptif :
ECE is the annual conference of European Society of Endocrinology (ESE). ECE 2019 provides a global platform for the international endocrinology community to discuss the latest advances in the field. Attending ECE 2019 is also an excellent opportunity to meet and network with colleagues from around the world. This year's programme will feature plenary lectures, symposia, debates and meet-the-expert sessions, delivered by experts from across all areas of endocrinology. Whatever your interest there will be sessions for your specialty with content from all of ESE's key focus areas: Thyroid Adrenal and Neuroendocrine Tumours Calcium and Bone; Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism Pituitary Reproductive Endocrinology Interdisciplinary Endocrinology and Environment Society and Governance Sessions from ECE 2019 will be available to delegates on our online platform ECE on Demand. Abstract submission deadline: Monday 4 February 2019 Early Bird Registration Deadline: 4 April 2019
Publié par : melis
Date de début : 23/06/2019
Date de fin : 24/06/2019
Descriptif :
de 7h00 à  18h30 Entrée gratuite 100 exposants maximum vide grenier (photocopie carte d'identité, 8 Euros les 4 mètres ) Réservation obligatoire Bourse d'échanges (photocopie carte d'identité, 8 Euros les 4 mètres) Véhicules anciens + compétitions ( réservation par téléphone, photocopie carte grise + assurance , repas 7 Euros par personne, RDV à  8h30 3ème Exposition de voitures anciennes et compétitions Vide grenier et bourse d'échanges autos motos , foire artisanale Election des trois plus voitures ( le vote sera effectué par ceux qui feront les baptêmes) Pesé de jambon à  gagner 1 Euro le ticket Balade véhicules anciens (matin et après-midi parcours défini, 45 min , possibilité de faire baptême pour la balade balade avec eux 10 Euros les 45 min) Baptêmes véhicules dans le village 3 Euros le ticket concours de dessins pour enfants Restauration à  midi ( réservation sur place o๠par téléphone , 1 ticket repas = 10 Euros pour le public et 7 Euros pour les exposants voitures) Buvette
Publié par : LP Conseils
Date de début : 25/09/2019
Date de fin : 29/09/2019
Descriptif :
Olivier Adam, Natacha Appanah, Cécile Coulon, Marie Darrieussecq, Cyril Dion, Philippe Jaenada, Victoria Mas, Jean-Baptiste Maudet, Mazarine Pingeot, Sylvain Prudhomme, Blandine Rinkel et bien d'autres... : auteurs, comédiens et musiciens se retrouvent du 25 au 29 septembre pour participer aux Correspondances de Manosque. Au programme : rencontres, concerts littéraires, lectures spectacles, projections, apéros littéraires, performances, grands entretiens, concours d'écriture pour les plus jeunes, labo de l'édition, karaoké littéraire, etc.
Publié par : evvntBUZZ
Date de début : 12/10/2019
Date de fin : 13/10/2019
Descriptif :
Enfile ta tenue et prepare-toi a vibrer a toute vitesse au Mushroom Rally Karting pour une experience de conduite grandeur nature ! Dans un decor totalement immersif, profite egalement de deux heures d'activites a theme (cornhole, mini-golf, cible de foot...) et tente ta chance pour partir a Las Vegas en realisant le meilleur chrono toutes dates confondues ! a vos marques, pret-e-s, here we go! Price: Karting Race + 2h activites: EUR 35.00 Category: Sports and Leisure, Obstacle Races Date and Time: On Saturday October 12, 2019 at 10:00 am and ends Sunday October 13, 2019 at 12:00 pm Venue Details: Paris Kart Indoor, ZI de Villemilan, 6 Boulevard Arago, Wissous, àŽle-de-France, 91320, France Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

10:00 am